Sunday, April 29, 2012

E Portfolio

Education is characterized by more than the amount of time spent attending lectures and reading textbooks. My college education has demanded me to push beyond my initial academic and intellectual boundaries. I often found myself thinking, “explore beyond the pages,” in effort to encourage my development into a more rounded individual.

This academic year I have been heavily focused on advancing my communication skills. 
As an aspiring child psychologist, acquiring effective communication is essential. The works I have compiled on this e-portfolio reflect my efforts and growth as a writer as I explored beyond what I knew. 

My name is Alexis Collins and I am a Psychology BA major and a Biology minor enrolled at Pennsylvania State University.

Welcome and enjoy my e-portfolio!

Alexis' E-portfolio

Friday, April 20, 2012

Those Three Words.!

I love you.
Three words that are uttered by a mother to her newborn child in her arms. Three words that are shared between two girls who have grown up together since first grade. Three words that are whispered between two teenagers who sit on the bleachers as they reminisce on how they met in the hall. Three words that are told to a wife on her 50th anniversary with her husband.
The phrase transcends any particular type of relationship, age group, or gender.  

We all know what the words are intended to express, a deep emotional connection with an individual. But what about the secondary meanings of “I love you?”
I am not sure about you, but I find that “I love you” functions rhetorically as a way to say I will do anything for you (in most cases at least).

For example:
How many times have you heard someone say, “he/she must really love her” following a description of a near outrageous act that an individual did for their loved one? As if to mean the crazier and difficult an action is the more it illustrates ones devotion and love.
I think its funny how I have come to associate ones willingness to do anything for another as a part of love. Especially when in essence that is not what love is.
I guess it plays along with the all too cliche phrase, “love will make you do crazy things.”

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I Would Run To You.!

So, go ahead and take a couple minutes to watch the video link I have at the bottom of this post.

Hopefully you watched it, now let me talk about what I thought worked and did not work so well for the clip.
The commercial intended to sell the new line of Nike Free Sneakers, but instead overall for me it had the opposite affect. The general story behind the clip was very cute. The message expressed was that Nike’s new product will carry you, the consumer, where you need to get to, even if that is a cross-country sprint to be with your love. I see this as a strategic move by the company to connect with their target audience, young women. And in this society what is one thing that is believed to be a common place among young girls? Love.

I also took notice to the apparent use of color to enhance the product’s affect. Nike uses  bright colors not only for the sneaker but for all scenes that involved the young model wearing sneakers. In doing this, the company successfully contrasted their product against all other brands, which are depicted as a fail in comparison of performance.

Though I must admit, I was turned off half way through the clip. Two minutes and thirty seconds is entirely too long for any commercial, especially for a sneaker commercial! Between the clip’s length and the irritating song that is sung throughout the commercial, I became uninterested and distracted quickly before the end came. And in result I did not receive the intended final message.

As advice to Nike Company, I say the theme that was a chosen here was great. But next time keep in mind that the viewer will not remain focused for very long.

Friday, April 6, 2012


I am sure you are aware by now of the debut in theaters throughout the nation of the 90‘s tear jerking love story, The Titanic in 3D. Though I can only assume, I believe this film will once again be a hit in box offices after fifteen years since it’s first premiere.

Love stories seem to have great popularity in our society and this is nothing new. For countless decades now grandmothers, mothers and daughters around the nation come out to  
see  these films bringing along their spouses and sons (if they can get them to come). And whether admitted by the males or not, certain love stories which are considered classics, transcend gender and the stereotypes of being “a chick flick.” Just to name a few, there is obviously the Titanic and then there’s the Notebook, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, and, Say Anything. Oh and let’s not forget the all time classic Romeo and Juliet.

So I began to wonder to myself why? Why do these movies gain so much popularity?

In my opinion, I believe it is because of the function they play in our society. Love is a topic or issue (however one views it) that is not only relatable to all audiences, but transcends all. These films serve to play out the way we all envision love, as fairy tales without cartoon characters but real people. Though many criticize these films saying they are unrealistic, think of what small good things they do. In a society where women are many times depicted as objects and are mistreated, these movies give females and males an idea of how they deserve to be treated and what love should look like. And yes maybe the story lines are dramatized, but the underlying messages are positive and true. I would say a little dramatization is better than the objectification that appear in other movies, wouldn’t you say?

Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Tribute and a Change.!

“Just because someone wears a hoodie does not make them a hoodlum,” Representative Bobby Rush said as he provocatively pulled up his hoodie and put on dark sunglasses. Standing in the middle of the House floor and addressing a room full of government officials, Rush began to recite versus from the Bible as he battled to be heard over the slamming gavel in the background. Although Rep. Rush knew he was out of order and the hood wearing would be frowned upon to say the least, he continued on unshaken.

As you probably assumed this controversial action was in reference to Trayvon Martin, the seventeen year old boy who lost his life just a month earlier. Rush’s objective was to draw attention to the case that has caused much speculation as to if the killing was motivated by racial profiling, while showing support for the grieving family.

Following the incident, Rush commented, "I don't mind being out of order if it means standing up for truth and justice."

Now whether one agrees or disagrees with the measures Rep Bobby Rush took to push the case into the media to be discussed on a federal level, operated just as he intended. He got people talking! Up until now then, the tragedy was generally being discussed on a state level, specifically the details of the Florida State Law that is being used to justify Zimmerman’s actions.

The rhetorical function of this demonstration grows deeper as one understands Rush’s political background as a Black Panther. Knowing that racial profiling is an issue that Representative Rush spent years fighting in the 60s speaks to his ethos and the background knowledge he has relevant to the case.

I must say in my opinion, Rush’s actions are ones I can respect. I mean think about it how many of the individuals who have made a change followed all the rules? Rules sometimes are made to be broken.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The rhetoric of I'm Sorry.!

Two words: I’m sorry. Think, how many of those times have you heard those two words?  Now think, how many of those instances the individual that said it genuinely meant it?

I know speaking for myself I have apologized for things I wasn’t sorry for. Who hasn’t really, in order to help make someone you car about feel better or because you knew it was the “right” thing to do?

From a young age we are groomed to say the words “I’m sorry” when someone else is upset, regardless of our true personal opinions. In fact I believe most instances where I’m sorry is warranted and said, the individual is only truly sorry for getting caught. Am I making any sense here?

Now I can only speak for the 18 years I have been alive, but I am going to assume this issue is not anything new. It seems that the phrase “I am sorry” has developed a different intention from it’s true meaning. In the dictionary the phrase is defined as, feeling regret or compunction. While the true intention of most individuals is to either to say I am sorry you are hurt or I am sorry you found out.

So the next time you are in a situation and you feel the urge to utter the words I’m sorry over and over again to make your case, stop and think is this what I truly mean to say. If not there are hundreds of words in the English language to choose from to better rhetorically express what you mean. Because as I am sure we all can relate, worse than not hearing I’m sorry when you feel it is warranted is hearing I’m sorry and knowing it was not meant.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Bumper Stickers.!

Whether on a quick run to the store, a drive to a friends house, or a cross country road-trip you are sure to have seen the catchy social-political slogans that individuals place on the backs of their cars. Bumper Stickers! Since the introduction of the first sticker in World War II, there has been a drastic change in appearance, application, and, agenda but the general function has remained the same.
So what do these bumper stickers really do for us, what do they accomplish? Well first they’re simply fun to choose and use to demonstrate ones beliefs and values. Most importantly they evoke thought. Bumper stickers are used in a sense to create exigence and cause change (even with just one person).

Let’s look a few:
 Over the past few years a nationwide campaign was started in order to increase awareness of the dangers of drunk driving. The above bumper sticker has this same intention. A clever one right?! The use of the short hand texting language, “LOL. OMG”, works to generate light hearted feelings for the reader. “... RIP,” then severely impacts the reader demonstrating the reality of how quickly an individual can die from an “innocent” text, an LOL. Here a story line is established and that is what makes this bumper sticker so persuasive, for me at least.

Abortion is a hot topic and has been for decades. Of all the bumper stickers I can remember abortion seems to be a very common one. These bumper stickers illustrate the two very polarized sides of the issue: pro-choice and pro-life. The first sticker is simple, few words and no images are used. Why? Because a simple reasoning method is hoped to be implied, leave the choice to the person it’s a private matter. While the other bumper sticker demonstrates a pro-life take on the issue. Using the heart and the heart monitor lines works to appeal to the readers pathos.

Whether comical or serious bumper stickers are little rhetorical pieces of work.